MIG Funded Projects

MIG funds a lot of infrastructure in municipalities that require public participation and engagement. Not many engineers are skilled in engaging communities. Hence infrastructure gets vandalized due to flawed process. Bioepidem intervenes through public participation and engagement.

  • The management of public engagement processes from planning, inception until the project completion.
  • Development of public engagement and participation strategy for the project. Infusing engagement into the entire scope of the project.
  • Research and report reporting of engagement and participation activities to influence future decision making
  • Train officials on related regulations and guidelines
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    Municipality Core

    Municipalities in South Africa face a myriad of challenges. Most of what they do needs to be backed up by research to ensure that they respond accordingly to their service provision challenges. We respond through.

  • Review, analysis and supervision of Integrated Development plans (IDP)
  • Researching, development and reporting on IDPs.
  • Compilation, layout and photography for IDPs
  • Waste Management Research.
  • Feasibility and Baseline studies/ situational analysis
  • Local Economic Development strategic development
  • Environmental Health research
  • Timely delivery of outcomes

    Our Promise