Research is deemed complex by many. Our intention is to build strong capacity on research for PG students. Equally, capacitate them on how to write as an integral part of research process. We intervene through

  • Academic writing training and mentoring.
  • Support thesis authoring. However, we do not the write thesis for students, but provide capacity on how to do it effectively.
  • Research project management: assist students to plan, conceptualize and implement their research projects to completion on time and on budget.
  • Train quantitative and qualitative research techniques; data analysis; data management.
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    Academic Mentorship

    Higher education is a complex space for young and upcoming scholars. It require planning for effective execution of teaching and learning; research and innovation; academic administration and service. Many lecturers become overwhelm by the amount of deliverables expected from them. We intervene through

  • Mentorship programme focusing on career building in HE
  • Supervision capacity development
  • Effective teaching
  • Mental Health for teachers
  • Timely delivery of outcomes

    Our Promise